BIMrx® Cloud Manager supports the definition and deployment of scheduled jobs using either a Custom Connection or an Autodesk® Connection. This allows implementation of these jobs in a manner that is most consistent with the organization's policies and practices. 

Note—Any variety or combination of Connection Types may be used for the user's jobs. Some could be Custom, some could be Autodesk®. Each can also have a different Connection/Hub Name (see following topic) assigned. 

To select he Connection Type is simply a matter of choosing which one will be used for this job.

A Custom Connection is simply a matter of choice. No matter which Connection Type the user is currently logged on to BIMrx® Cloud Manager with—whether Custom or Autodesk®—they can select Custom. However, there is a little more to it when selecting an Autodesk® Connection.

If the user is currently logged onto BIMrx® Cloud Manager with a Custom Connection, the Autodesk® Connection option is not available. All that can be selected is Custom.

With the user logged on using an Autodesk® Connection and when choosing an Autodesk® Connection, please note the current user sign-on is displayed. This will be the sign-on for the job when it is deployed. Autodesk® Connection jobs can be defined and deployed for any number of different sign-ons. However, the system does require the sign-on intended for the job be the current sign-on when the job is defined—and also when it is deployed. 

This current sign-on is also an important part of the next step, which is selection of the job Connection/Hub Name.