Adding a Job
The process of deploying a Job as Scheduled Task is similar, regardless of whether deploying a job prepared with a Custom Connection or an Autodesk® Login. To add a Job as a scheduled task, select the desired task from the Jobs list. According to whether the Job has been defined with a Custom Connection or an Autodesk® Login, the process is slightly different.
Custom Connection
In all cases, Add a Job process is controlled by the Connection Type assigned to the Job. In this case, it is a Custom Connection.
All Jobs having the not deployed icon (as opposed to the
deployed icon) are available for adding. When removing a scheduled Job (see following section), the opposite is true and only currently deployed Jobs will be available for removal.
Note—An undeployed job must be selected from the Job Listing for the Add a Job as a scheduled task button to be enabled. If either no job is selected or the selected job is already deployed, the button will appear disabled and not be available for selecting.
Pressing the Add a Job as a scheduled task button brings up the following Add Job to Windows Task Scheduler Server selection and confirmation screen. Click on the Deploy to Server field to bring up a list of all defined Servers.
Along with providing confirmation, the dialog box also shows the Job Name, Job Type, Schedule Type, and scheduling details.
Pressing cancels the process without making any changes to the system. Press
to confirm that the process should proceed and add the Job to the Task Scheduler.
In addition to displaying the Add verification dialog box, several data fields have been updated and new data appears on the screen. The ‘Deployed’ icon has been updated with the new status, the deployed-to Server name has been incorporated into the display name and the Job properties Deployed to Machine field updated to display the Server name. Additionally, the Job entry on the Listing panel now displays the Job status information regarding Next and Last run dates and last run Result. This information is updated automatically each time the screen is refreshed, according to the current setting Server Location Refresh Filter, as described above.
Autodesk® Connection
Deployment of a Job with an Autodesk® Connection assigned to it is essentially the same process as that with a Custom Connection. There are, however, several items worthy of mention.
Job Connection Must be Same Current Connection
When deploying an Autodesk® Connection, the current user must be logged onto BIMrx® Cloud Manager with an Autodesk® Connection. Addtionally, this must be the same Autodesk® Connection defined in the Job being deployed.
Failure to be logged on with the same credentials will result in the above message.
First Time Deployment
When of deploying a Job having an Autodesk® Connection, there are two possible paths. The first occurs when deploying an Autodesk® Connection for a specific combination of Autodesk® Login user and BIMrx® Cloud Manager server for the first time.
After pressing the Add a Job as a scheduled task button, the following screen appears.
So far, the process is the same as with a Custom Connection.
The difference occurs when the user, after selecting a server for the job to be deployed to, is next prompted for the customary Autodesk Login®.
As described above, Autodesk® Connection jobs require the user to first login with same Autodesk® credentials that are assigned to the job. Now, they must perform a complete login for the defined connection. This guarantees creation of a new Refresh Token. This helps ensure that when the Job runs, it will have an active token with which perform all required tasks.
After successfully entering in the Autodesk® Login password, the usual Authorization display/confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Once the Allow button has been pressed, because this is the first deployment of a Job for the specified Server and Autodesk® Login, the system performs the additional step of deploying a Token Refresh Job. The Token Refresh Job is responsible for making sure there is always a current token available for use by each deployed Job that uses an Autodesk® Connection.
The Token Refresh Job runs weekly to make sure it is kept active by applying it within the designated time window. This ensures it will be available for supplying login credentials for scheduled jobs without requiring human intervention.
Please note the name assigned to the Token Refresh Job.
The TR indicates this is a Token Refresh job. The second section of the name IFRANKEL2, located between the 'TR-' and the '_' refers to the server to which the job is deployed. The third and final section of the name refers to the Autodesk® Login name. As mentioned above, there will always be one Token Refresh Job for each Deployment Server/Autodesk® Login name combination.
Before clicking the button to complete the process, the user must designate a day and a time for the Weekly Token Refresh Job to run. If running on a personal machine or some other computer that is subject to downtime, select a day and time when the computer will be running. If, however, the worst were to occur and the token expires, it can easily be reactivated by using the Reactivate Token Refresh Job.
Additional Deployments To Same Server with Same Autodesk® Login
Once a Token Refresh Job exists for the Server/Autodesk® Login, deployment of new Jobs is essentially the same as with Custom Connection Jobs.
From this point on, the data entry process and job data displayed is essentially the same as shown above with the Custom Connection. The only variation will depend on how old the current Refresh Token for the Server/User is.
If the Autodesk® login is still active (less than 60 minutes old), after pressing the Add a Job as a scheduled task button, selecting the Server and clicking the Add button, the familiar Authorization display/confirmation dialog box is displayed.
As usual, press the Allow button to complete the process.
If, however, a longer period of time has transpired (than the 60 minutes referred to above), then the user will need to repeat the login process shown above—entering the Autodesk® login email, password, then pressing the Allow button to complete the process.
Note—The Autodesk® login Access Token (expires in 60 minutes) is not to be confused with the Refresh Token viability (expires in 15 days or after one use). The former refers to how long an existing token remains active. The latter refers to how long a Refresh Token remains active and available for one-time use to create an Active Token.