The SVM ViewSet Configuration Settings file is used in the Sheet View Manager to apply predefined settings to create sheets and views.

The file is located here: C:\ProgramData\Microdesk\BIMrx.Revit\SVM_ViewSet_Configuration_Settings.xlsx

The SVM ViewSet Configuration Settings file has 4 sheets within it (ViewSet_Settings, View Template Sequences, Levels and Lookup)

  • ViewSet_Settings - Specifies the view set selections per view set
    • Columns that require references to model elements will have those references provided in a drop-down selection from the lookup sheet.

  • Additional Parameter columns can be added with values by use of the drop-down in the first row. Values can be added to each ViewSet in the rows starting at row 5. The user mush add the additional parameter columns starting at M and going towards V.
    • Any skipping of columns for addition parameters going from M to V will cause the parameters after the blank column in row 1 to be not included in the import or loading of the file.

  • View Template Sequences - Allows you the flexibility of applying view templates in a specific sequence. This sheet is where you specify your view template sequence settings.
    • The name in the View Template Sequences column will be used in ViewSet_Settings sheet for selection in each viewset. 
    • The view templates are applied in the order of 1 through 5. The last view template in the selection sequence will be left on the view.

  • Levels - Allows you to specify names and numbers associated to the levels in your project to be used to name the sheets and views.

  • Lookup - This is a reference sheet for the other sheets to get model specific information such as current View Types, View Templates, Titleblocks, etc.