Creating Configuration Settings File From Scratch

Using the Configuration Settings module, you can easily create a reusable configuration settings file.

  • The Level Association area:

    • The Level Name will populate automatically with the level names in the model.
    • The Level Associated Number is used for sheet numbers and can be used for sheet and view naming.
    • The Level Associated Name is used for sheet and view naming as well as sheet numbering if needed.

  • The View Template Sequence area:

    • This button allows the user to add a new View Template Sequence to the list. 
    • This button allows the user to remove the selected row or rows from the list.
    • View Template Sequence column is for the naming of the view template sequence.
      • This column is also used in the ViewSet Table for specifying which sequence to use per ViewSet.
    • View Template 1 - 5 are drop-down selections for view templates in the model.
      • The view templates are applied to the view in order from 1-5, depending on if a view template is selected. The last selected view template in the sequence will be left on the view.

  • The ViewSet area:

    • This button allows the user to add a new ViewSet to the table.
    • This button allows the user to remove selected row or rows from the table. 
    • This button allows the user to duplicate selected row or rows in the table.
    • This button allows the user to add additional parameters to the ViewSet table for use in other modules.
      • Allows you to activate/add or deactivate/remove parameters to and from the ViewSet table.

        • Allows the user to add deactivated parameters to the activated parameters list, which will populate the ViewSet table.
        • Allows the user to remove activated parameters from the list to the deactivated parameters list, which also removes them from the ViewSet table.
    • This button allows the user to update the current configuration settings file with up to date lookup information.
    • This button allows the user to load a new configuration settings file.
    • This button allows the user to save the current configuration settings file with the selection information in the configuration settings module.
    • This button allows the user to save a brand new configuration settings file with the selection information in the configuration settings module.