The Server filter provides an additional command to narrow down the list of Jobs displayed. By default, jobs for all servers are shown.

Click anywhere in the Server filter field to produce a popup list displaying all available server filter options:

The user has several choices here, with which to filter jobs by server. By selecting Undeployed or Deployed, there is a high-level view of all jobs by general deployment status. There is also an entry on the filter list for each Server defined, allowing selection of all Jobs deployed to a specific Server. 

Select all Jobs for a specific Server by selecting the Server, as shown above, to produce the results shown below.

In fact, this shows us two things. First, it shows only Deployed Jobs. Second, it shows only those Jobs deployed to the selected Server.

A commonly used command is to select all Undeployed Jobs, which assists in preparation of work in progress prior to deployment.

Another useful approach is to combine filters.

In the above example, we have selected all Undeployed Download Jobs.