Once the Job is deployed to the Windows Task Scheduler, it takes over and executes the Job according to the defined schedule. When the next scheduled execution date and time are reached, the Job executes and performs the assigned work. While performing the work, BIMrx® Cloud Manager creates a detailed log file documenting all work performed, any potential problems encountered and how long the Job took to complete. This log file is saved to disk and emailed to the individual recipient or distribution list defined for the Job. The email subject indicates Success—or potentially that there were errors—and summarizes the Job run results in the email body. In addition to the log file and email notification on completion, the Job status also displays on the Jobs viewer panel.

An additional option for executing Jobs is to run them on demand. Any scheduled Job can be selected and commanded to run immediately. This Job then runs as a background task completely independently of BIMrx® Cloud Manager—which can do other work or be closed altogether. The current status of all Jobs as they run are displayed on the screen and can be refreshed on demand by the user. Finally, any executing Job—whether it has been run on demand or automatically via the Task Scheduler—can be stopped manually by the user at any time.

Please Note—Running a scheduled Job on demand does not affect the scheduled Next Run Date/Time.