To answer this question—providing unattended support of scheduled jobs that use an Autodesk® login so the refresh token never expires— BIMrx® Cloud Manager incorporates Token Refresh Jobs. The Token Refresh Job is created automatically by the system after prompting the user for their Autodesk® login credentials. It executes automatically every 7 days, obtaining a new refresh token each time to ensure it doesn’t expire. (The 7-day refresh execution cycle allows sufficient time and margin of error to keep the refresh token alive well within the maximum 15-day limit.)

Every time a scheduled job is deployed to a server, the system checks whether it uses a Custom or an Autodesk login. If it uses an Autodesk login, it then checks to see if a Token Refresh Job has already been created for the Job Connection email login name and the server. If one already exists, then nothing additional needs to be done. However, if not, then the system creates one automatically. It does this after prompting the user to login using their usual Autodesk® login email address and password.

In short, all scheduled jobs deployed for the same Autodesk login credentials to the same server share the same Token Refresh Job and refresh token. Because each time a refresh token is used by a running job it also renews it, this approach also helps to keep the refresh tokens current and active.