1. Use Shift+ / Ctrl+ select to highlight any rows you desire

      1. You can also hold mouse left button down for multi-selection

    1. When multiple rows are selected, editing any cell on one of the selected rows will apply changes to all selected rows. Exceptions are “Shared Parameter Name” and “Overwrite GUID” columns, editing these two columns will not propagate changes the other selected rows. Changes will not apply to greyed-out cells, as they are disabled due to the SP entry’s statuses.
    2. Example 1: Click on the “N Categories” button and modify the assigned Categories, then click “OK”, notice the changes are applied to all selected rows except the greyed-out disabled cells.

    1. Example 2: Click on a cell in the “Type of Parameter” column to modify its content. Notice the changes are applied to all selected rows except the greyed-out disabled cells.