The Sync Fab Parameters command allows Revit Shared Parameters to be mapped to Fabrication properties.


One or more Shared Parameters created and assigned to one or more Categories, per the following:

  1. Type:  All Shared Parameters should be of type Text unless it is a dimension which needs to be of type Length.

  1. Naming:  
    • For parameters of type Text, the Shared Parameter should be named with the prefix MDSK_FabPropSync_ followed by the name of the desired property to sync.  
      • Example: Given a Fabrication property of Cost, the name of the Revit Shared Parameter would be: 


    • For parameters of type Length, the Shared Parameter should be named with the prefix; MDSK_FabPropSync_D_ followed by the name of the desired property to sync.  
      • Example: Given a Fabrication property of Width, the name of the Revit Shared Parameter would be:


In Revit:

  • In the ribbon, navigate to the BIMrx tab >> BIMrx Fabrication panel >> Sync Fab Parameters command:

A BIMrx Fabrication - Tooltip dialog box will pop up with helpful information on how this feature works:

Revit will proceed to copy Fabrication Property values into the created Shared Parameter.